Before moving onto close ups, I thought I’d share some of my favorite books on visual storytelling.
Good starter books for any sequential art:
Comics and Sequential Art
By Will Eisner
(Considered the Father of Comic Books. It’s sad that a lot of people don’t know of him.)
Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative
By Will Eisner
From Word to Image: Storyboarding and the Filmmaking Process
By Marcie Begleiter
Visual Storytelling: The Art and Technique
By Tony C. Caputo
More advanced books:
Film Directing: Shot by Shot
By Steven D. Katz
Comics Above Ground: How Sequential Art Affects Mainstream Media
By Durwin S. Talon
If you can find any used film directing text books, those are usually golden too.
These focus on comics, but are also very good for any visual storytelling:
Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art
By Scott McCloud
Panel Discussions
By Durwin S. Talon
Artists on Comic Art
By Mark Salisbury
Setting Up Your Shots: Great Camera Moves Every Filmmaker Should Know
By Jeremy Vineyard
(Good reference book with all the different types of shots)
Fight directing for the Theatre
By J. Allen Suddeth
love this thank you! love your blog! :)