Thursday, August 4, 2011

Medium Shot: Are You Looking at Me?

We’re getting closer now!  The camera is now starting to get into the character’s face.  Mean, evil camera.  We are on medium close up.  Now, as most of you smart readers can suss out, this is a shot between a medium shot and a close up shot (we’ll get to that next post).  Basically, this shot will be from about the chest up…or from the thighs down if you need to see what boots Hero Chick is wearing for some odd reason.  It’s pretty much 1/4th of your character in shot. 

Like a medium shot, it’s a good mix of character and background, though a medium close up will focus a bit more on the character.  We can really start to see the emotions in the face now.  It’s like having a one-on-one conversation with a person.  Staged any farther back and you’d have to be yelling to hear each other.  Staged any closer and you’d start to get into their personal space…which, depending on the situation could end with a bloody nose or a new human in 9 months.

You’ll see medium close ups used a lot in both films and comics.  It’s just a great every use shot. 

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